Monday, April 16, 2012

Arhuaco Culture

The arhuacos are an indigenous group also called ika o ijke, they're an amerindian community that lives in high valleys as the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Their population is close to 14 thousand people. The arhuacos are highly recognized for they dynamic organization and level of political knowledge. Their principal source of living is agriculture.

Nowdays arhuacos rights are been discriminated because some business people are willing to take them out of the sierra nevada where their natural environment in order to build an spectacular, majestic hotel in their virgin territory this not only affect them because they're been taken to another place but to the land and nature that they've been protecting for all the decades that they had lived there, also they as indigenous group expect to have the government's support to NOT build this construction not only because of the rights they had as the providers of the land but because that place is a legal possession of the state but in contrast of this the government had support they project of making this hotel.

I think the arhuacos should be respected as a subculture and they should be in the land that they have won and take care of for all this years, they're not only human beings as the rest of the community but they're also our patrimony, the living heritage we have left from our past so instead of trying to destroy that we should be willing to fight and support them in their cause.

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